Finance 101

What Does Post-Pandemic Travel Look Like?

June 23, 2021

After spending the last year in isolation, people are ready for a change of scenery. With millions of people already vaccinated, many are considering summer travels. What will post-pandemic summer travel look like? Here’s what to expect.

Many People Will Be Taking a Post-Pandemic Summer Vacation

With the declining number of coronavirus cases, this means that the travel industry could see a profitable summer season, which is great news since the lockdowns brought immense financial pain to many in the industry.

The editor of Thrifty Traveler, Kyle Potter, reported that Delta has been advising its workers that consumers are starting to make summer travel reservations. Along with this, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) intends to hire an estimated 6,000 more security officers prior to summer, which is even more confirmation that the travel industry is making a comeback.

Airlines and travel professionals are acknowledging that people are going to be traveling before vaccinations become prevalent. In fact, after staying home for a year, many people are ready to travel even if they have to borrow funds to do it. Despite this, the presence of the virus is still causing some travel hesitation.

The Travel Industry Must Regain Customer Confidence

A big problem for the travel industry right now is how to regain customer confidence. Last year, there were many reports of travelers becoming stranded in their destinations as well as high virus transmission numbers, causing concern for a number of would-be vacationers.

To tempt people to start traveling again, it is now common to permit travelers to cancel their trips without charging them if there are travel warnings issued for their destination. This change is giving potential travelers more security in making vacation plans.

There are also great travel deals to be had. If you love to travel and can do so for half of what you would normally pay, you’re bound to be tempted to make reservations.

Will International Travel Be an Option for 2021?

It’s tough to make international travel predictions because there are new mutations of the coronavirus, issues distributing the vaccine and the possibility of a vaccination passport needed for European travel. This year, the attractiveness of a vacation spot will likely be based on whether the area may require travelers to quarantine and how many coronavirus infections are occurring. The number of locals who are vaccinated may also be a factor in whether you decide to travel.

Staying safe when traveling is sure to be on the minds of everyone as well. Last year, people traveled, but a large percentage of them did so domestically. This may also be the case in 2021. In December 2020, YouGov, a market research organization, conducted a travel survey. The institute reported that of those who responded, an estimated 40% of them intended to travel within their country during 2021.

Americans have discovered that the United States is an interesting place to travel. The president of Uniglobe Travel Designers, Elizabeth Blount McCormick, commented on the upcoming year’s travel predictions. She said, “There are so many off-the-beaten-path places and experiences that you can have, and I think that people are more appreciative and really love the dynamic country that we live in.”

Going to Places Where You Can Stay Socially Distant

Socially distant travel will likely be popular in 2021. In fact, American Airlines decided to add more flights to destinations that became popular places to visit in 2020. The airlines have been adding flights to places with beaches and mountains like the Gulf Coast, Wyoming and Montana.

Hawaii and Alaska will likely be popular destinations, too. The best time to see Alaska is during the summer, and according to reports, the state has been proactive with its vaccine rollout. Travelers might be especially tempted to visit Alaska this year because the state’s travel situation looks pretty safe. Alaska also eliminated its coronavirus testing requirement for people entering the state.

Outdoor destinations were popular last year and will likely be popular this year as well because people can safely ease their way back into traveling when they choose a destination that makes social distancing easy. For instance, you can book a stay at an amazing resort in Montana and enjoy a vacation where it’s easy to stay away from other travelers.

Places like Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean are sure to be busy with pandemic-weary travelers in 2021. If you need a beach to unwind and relax on vacation, then you’ll probably have company. Many of these places opened up earlier than other destinations, which means that they have established coronavirus precautions. For example, if you were to travel to St. Lucia, your hotel would likely set up your coronavirus test and help you deal with any travel restrictions.

Post-pandemic travel will include more road, RV and train travel. According to AAA and the National Club, road trips are going to be popular for the 2021 summer. This means that car and RV rentals may cost more than they did a few years ago. If you’re considering this form of travel, be sure to book your reservations early.

Camping will likely be popular, too, so reserve your campsite as soon as you’ve selected your vacation days. Last year, people decided to try traveling by train. Seeing America by train is a unique experience, and if you give it a try, you’ll see some amazing scenery.

Post-Pandemic Travel Will Be Memorable

Post-pandemic travel will be memorable since many people will be spending time exploring the great outdoors and unique destinations within their countries. Travel is almost always worthwhile even if you have to budget to make it happen.

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